Conference Research Laboratory MIXED ABLED DANCE 22
Conference on 12.02.2022
Event start: 09:00h Event end: 17:00h
Venue: Online (Zoom)
For many years, Mixed Abled Dance has enriched contemporary dance through its movement-aesthetic innovations and creative collaborative forms. As a joint dance of people with different physical-motor, sensory, cognitive, emotional, linguistic-communicative backgrounds, Mixed Abled Dance is a unique dance form.Mixed Abled Dance has also become a promising object of research.
The Research Lab Mixed Abled Dance 22 would like to provide a platform for scientific exchange and networking for all those who are doing research in the field of mixed abled dance in the German-speaking countries. With the conference we want to make visible a broad spectrum of research topics around Mixed Abled Dance. A wide variety of research formats - including participatory research approaches, practice as research and artistic research - are welcome!
Further information can be found on the conference homepage.
Organizer: Department of Music and Movement in Rehabilitation and Pedagogy with Disabilities at TU Dortmund University, in cooperation with Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung gtf, Aktion Tanz, Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tanz NRW and DIN A13 tanzcompany.